Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Glossary of Terms

I've been thinking lately that I've been using a lot of obscure terms, sometimes in atypical ways, that may lead to misunderstandings. So I'm going to keep updating this as I make new posts so that you guys know where I'm coming from when I use words like "masculinist" in rarefied ways.

Each entry includes the Oxford English Dictionary's (OED) definition(s) and my notes on how I use the word.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Before You Wage War On Me, Please Read This

Due to some misunderstandings about my purpose behind writing this paper, I'm going to state this now: I am not writing this paper in the masculinist tradition. This is why I amended the post's title and the last paragraph of the preface. Yes, it is in MLA format and yes, I technically have a thesis and supporting claims and examples. But these arguments I'm posing are not dogmas that I will STAND BY NO MATTER WHAT SO HELP ME GOD like a soldier marching out to battle willing to die for some cut and dry ideology. By the way, this post is largely in response to comments here. Also a couple here. (Thank you Elaine-Sensei and Frikin-Chibi for featuring my blog in your respective online communities!)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Note to "A New Discourse on Boys Love” Regarding Essentialism

EDIT: This is super old. I didn't know much about transgender people or intersex people when I wrote this. Trigger warning for using the term "her******dite" and referring to trans* people as "transsexuals."

One thing I want to make clear in my essay, that I didn't go into because doing so thoroughly would require another essay, is the fact I am not basing my assertions on essentialist claims regarding the sexes. My aim in this note is not to persuade anyone of these nonessentialist ideas (which would, as I said, require another essay!) but simply to let fellow nonessentialists know where I stand. (If you have no opinion on "female"/"male" categories being based in nature, you don't have to read this note. I also wouldn't recommend reading this note before reading the essay).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

An Overview of MLA Format

Women Painting on the Clean Slate of the Male Body: A New Discourse on Boys Love

Note on this Essay and Why I Wrote It:
Although many people use Facebook and Twitter to interact with a vast number of friends and update a large number of people on their everyday activities, my roommate and I have often used these sites to communicate memos and inside jokes to each other. We actually feel more at home at 4chan, an anonymous image board where it is impossible to be judged for any crazy idea or inappropriate joke you've made. As m00t, the founder of the website states, Facebook and networking sites like it are working in a big brother way to eliminate anonymity on the internet. Now this essay isn't about anonymity on the internet, but keep in mind where I stand when I explain how I commenced to “dump” my yaoi pics on my friend's Facebook page (with her permission of course). At the time, her Facebook was named after a protagonist from a novel she owned, and she only had me, my best friend (also a fellow fan of yaoi), my brother (desensitized to it considering I, the yaoi advocate, am his sister), and a close male friend who found the entire thing humorous.

Unfortunately, the day after I posted these pictures coincided with my roommate's decision to befriend a large number of people and reveal her true identity. Neither of us thought much of it. The pictures had been bumped down (we exchanged wall posts almost constantly). But suddenly, the latest yaoi picture I posted (of L and Light from Death Note, incidentally) became a huge controversy the moment I began to defend yaoi by distinguishing it from pornography in the comments.

"New Discourse on Boys Love" Footnotes and Images

Links to the footnotes and images are indicated by * in the essay. The * are links that will lead you here. Images are indicated by explanatory links. The footnotes and images are listed here in the order they appear in the essay. Please read each entry one at a time as you go through the essay.  Each entry is divided by this line below. 
